May 22, 2012

The Search for a World Record!

200 million years ago when prehistoric giants roamed the earth a new species of monster was evolving from the muck…with demon yellow eyes, razor sharp claws and a bite force capable of crushing bone. A creature submerged beneath our awareness, their existence barely recognized, passed over by those more enthralled with other man-eaters, constrictors and villains of the reptilian clan. The Snapping Turtle is one of the last true Swamp Monsters on the planet and they have been waiting quietly, growing into folklore legends.

Coyote Peterson-adventurer, field zoologist and filmmaker- has assembled an ambitious team that will follow a trail of folklore, photographic evidence, and scientific facts as they track down legendary turtles of epic proportions. It is impossible to visit a fishing dock, bait shop, or old timer’s front porch without hearing a tall tale centered on a monster sized Snapping Turtle. Turtle tales are everyone’s favorite story to tell… beasts the size of a kitchen table…others big enough to sink boats… thus likened to being monsters of the abyss. Are the tales really as grand as they seem…or are those who witness these elusive reptiles letting their imaginations run wild?

Swamp Monsters takes Peterson and company across the eastern half of the United States where they go neck deep into the harshest wetland environments known to man in search of both a World Record Common and Alligator Snapping Turtle. Working with renowned field herpetologists, armed with the latest advances in tracking sonar and camera technology, basic survival tools and pure ambition, the team travels to the depths of the Great Lakes…down the Mississippi and into the dark unknown corners of the southern bayous and Everglades. Alongside the unforgiving environments the team also faces a plethora of biological landmines…from aggressive aquatic mammals and venomous snakes to man-eating alligators, the dangers are extreme and the adventures action- packed. There seemingly isn’t a swamp land, marsh or mud wallow that goes unsearched for these elusive predators.

Will Peterson and his team’s efforts bring a World Record beast into the light of day…or will the murkiness of the swamps prevail, leaving that which remains folklore legend hidden beneath the surface?

This is truly a modern day White Whale story. To find, capture and dare we say…release, a World Record Snapping Turtle.

There will be mud…this is SWAMP MONSTERS!